Minnesota, known for its beautiful natural landscapes and vibrant outdoor activities, also experiences its fair share of severe summer storms. As the season approaches, it's essential to stay prepared and informed to ensure the safety of yourself, your loved ones, and your property. In this Practical Home article, we will delve into the statistics of previous years' storms, along with practical tips to help you navigate the challenges posed by severe summer weather.

Over the past decade, Minnesota has witnessed a significant increase in the frequency and intensity of summer storms. According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota experiences an average of 29​ tornadoes per year. Peak activity typically occurs from May through July. In recent years, severe thunderstorms have caused property damage, power outages, and unfortunately, loss of life. Severe storms are a serious matter and it’s important to be prepared and informed.

Be Prepared:

  • Stay informed: Monitor local weather forecasts through reliable sources such as the National Weather Service or local news stations. Sign up for weather alerts and notifications to receive real-time updates on storm conditions and warnings in your local area.

  • Create an Emergency Essentials Kit: Assemble a well-stocked emergency kit that includes essential supplies such as non-perishable food items, drinking water, batteries, flashlights, a first aid kit, a battery-powered radio, deck of cards, paper and pen, and tissues. Ensure everyone in your family knows the kit's exact location and understands its contents.

  • Develop an emergency plan and have it readily available in your home: Discuss and practice a family emergency plan that outlines designated meeting points, communication methods, and evacuation routes. Our Practical Home Family Emergency Plan is the perfect option.

Practical Home Family Emergency Plan

During the Storm:

  • Seek shelter: In the event of a severe thunderstorm or tornado warning, find a safe shelter immediately. Identify the most secure location in your home, preferably a basement or an interior room on the lowest level, away from windows. If you live in a mobile home or are outdoors, seek sturdier shelter options nearby.

  • Stay connected: Keep your mobile phones charged and nearby to maintain communication with loved ones and emergency services. Avoid using corded phones during a storm, as they can conduct electricity. We recommend always having a few portable phone chargers in your home in case of power outages.

Fallen Branch that Caused Power Outage

Aftermath and Recovery:

Once the storm has passed, it's important to assess the damage and take necessary steps towards recovery:

  • Stay away from downed power lines: If you encounter fallen power lines or damaged electrical equipment, assume they are live and dangerous. Report them immediately to the local utility company and keep a safe distance.

  • Document the damage: Take photographs or videos of any property damage for insurance purposes. Make a detailed inventory of lost or damaged items, including their approximate value.

  • Contact your insurance company if you see damage to your property: Notify your insurance provider as soon as possible to initiate the claims process. Provide them with all the necessary information and documentation to facilitate a smoother and quicker resolution.

Hail Damage

Hail Damage

Lightning Strike

Lightning Strike Damage

While the beauty of Minnesota's summer can be overshadowed by severe storms, being prepared and informed can help mitigate the risks associated with such weather events. By following our Practical Home tips, you can ensure the safety of your family, protect your property, and navigate the aftermath of a storm with greater ease.

Stay vigilant, stay prepared, and enjoy the wonders of the Land of 10,000 Lakes even during the stormy summer season.Remember, the weather can be unpredictable, but your readiness doesn't have to be. Stay safe, Minnesota!

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